Apr 2Liked by Pranay Kotasthane

Loved the part on Bangalore's water struggles. The electricity sector in Karnataka too is seeing regressive pricing, would love to hear your take on it

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Excellent post on multiple topics. The contradiction in the Lok Sabha elections - if it is a no-contest, why the paranoia? - is nicely brought out.

The chips war is highly unpredictable - while the questions on China's approach are indeed valid, it is not as if things are going to plan for the US. TSMC, for example, is finding it very inefficient and frustrating to operate in the US, and not just for price reasons. The skillset, the mindset of workers - none of those are a good match in the US. When the US shook things up so violently on such a critical aspect, it will take a long time for the dust to settle. And there is no guarantee as to who will benefit the most at the end of it all.

The Bangalore water problem is explained very nicely - both from a historical as well as policy perspective. Nicely done!

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