"That apart, the momentum of the economic agenda set over the last two terms will carry through for some time even if newer, bigger ideas aren’t on the table now"

I am hard pressed to find the "momentum of economic agenda". No new ideas are being thought, old ideas like FSLRC are biting dust, and done and dusted deals like NPS are getting undone.

Let us set the working definition of reforms - I had a long discussion on Twitter with a financial journalist who seem to club all three of these disparate ideas - IT streamlining, fiscal spending during covid and bringing government off balance sheet items to on book, as reforms.

Indian State's crying need for changes span across the tough problems of limiting unchecked discretionary powers of bureaucrats turning them to rule based conduct (PDMA, FSLRC e.g.), improving the state of our moribund institutions etc.

In short,any agenda that requires considerable negotiation and navigation, because the "contract" is being rewritten.

I am hard pressed to find indications of such ideas.

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Third point seems to be demand side explanation.. meaning demand of politics of recognition puncturing big tent coalition ot BJP .. lead to their loss....

This explanation at best inadequate, at worst disingenuous ...to disregard the supply side faliure of Modi

It is a bit much for an analyst who went to the

extent of proclaiming that fiscal conservatism of this year's Interim budget -- evidently imposed by global Rating agencies -- are a form of "democratic accountability" in the absence of strong opposition...

This hubris of fiscal hawkish-ism (failure of supply side to avert demand of recognition politics ) by BJP & Modi---despite knowing fully well that those rose tinted headline economy numbers ( specially Surjit Bhalla's poverty estimate) are utter lie--- has been punished by Indian electorate..

India is field of dialectic materialism... any attempt to exorbitant Capital Accumulation will be rebuked by Indian electorate...

There is GRAND NARRATIVE in this election that is of Marxist ontology of Dialectic materialism..

If only "rating agent cum Top Dressing" Liberals have humility to understand

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