Inequity score is a wonderful idea, until it runs into the colonial-era Indian bureaucracy and gets transformed into 'Inequity Raj'. Given the scarce educational and employment available for young Indians, there will be unceasing attempts to game each of the parameters that would make up the inequity score and people in positions of power (chiefly, bureaucrats) would, as is their wont, happily facilitate such attempts in exchange for a fee. That being said, a better alternative to the current reservation policy is definitely overdue.

Such an alternative should be structured to work in a two-pronged manner. First, the affirmative action should be front-loaded, so to say, with the most important interventions planned earlier in the life of a student. This makes sure that there is a structural attempt at making children from disadvantaged groups get opportunities to bridge the gap between them and their more fortunate peers early on, which, I hope would necessitate better identification of such disadvantaged groups and more targeted action. Second, if the affirmative action funnel (broader and more forceful in scope at school-level, much narrower at the graduate/post-graduate/employment level) works this would equip socially disadvantaged individuals with skills, education, and confidence early in life such that they are able to compete and win in level-playing fields later and render the "reserved-quota" insult powerless—this pervasive problem is often overlooked by the mainstream, first year students from disadvantaged backgrounds have to learn to survive demeaning taunts on being from the reserved quota and having less merit, chiefly because their schooling did not provide them with good English language communication skills.

Of course, all this works if the inherent bias that incumbents have for their fellow caste members is not allowed to have any weight in the selection process. For that, the selection criteria and their assessment should be completely objective.

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good points. Thanks.

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Great suggestion of incorporating the Inequity score. IF implemented fairly, this could solve the merit vs equity conflict.

However, while the financial positive action via Reservations/Inequity scores is a good step forward and is a corrective action, the primary idea of providing reservations is to provide 'Representation' - Any suggestions, how do we improve the current model to address the question of 'Representation'?

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"The dismantling of caste will not take place by its cynical uses, the cheap use of identity is often a symptom of intellectual bankruptcy and perhaps even lack of honesty.” Wise words from Bhanu Pratap Mehta. The type of Caste politics Congress is playing very disconcerting. This will lead to further fragmentation of polity. The future appears scary with both national parties in competition for polarisation - one on religious basis and the other on caste.

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Also, one point on the FPTP vs PR debate. The easiest solve for the "who represents the constituency" or "legislator's independence" is Nepal style hybrid - a very elegant solution. On the point of stability: as a democracy, shouldn't we prefer a legislature that is closest to people's wishes rather than the one that is more stable? Even on the question of responsible government vs stable government, Dr. Ambedkar and the constituent assembly preferred the former.

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Even Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan (IAS) brought up this idea of composite score. But it would work only when the objective assessment is really objective. Practically, it is argued that the disadvantaged groups will be awarded very low scores in interviews to compensate for their higher inequity score and be intentionally kept out.

When Dr. JP was Chief Secretary of NTR government, they even mooted (but not implemented) the idea of pecking order in reservations i.e. if you are, let's say, a Dalit and two of your preceding generations availed reservations. You may still be eligible for reservation but the Dalit with no one in the preceding generations that availed reservations will get the preference.

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