Classical Liberalism (individualism) is not fraying. It is the collectivists (socialists, communists) who have adopted the ideas of classical liberalism (individual rights, freedom of speech/ work) and appropriated its values as per Steve Davies.

GFC and "check your privilege" arguments actually proves the success of classical liberalism in exposing the true nature of our economic and political systems. For example, caste-based discrimination have existed in this country since at least 2000 years, liberals starting from Raja Rammohan Roy, Tagore, Gandhi, Ambedkar have all criticised it and brought it out for open discussion. The solution adopted by the Constituent Assembly (i.e., reservation based quota) has fallen short of addressing the societal problem.

Even the far-right appropriated classical liberal ideas of individuals' right to wealth creation, but unfortunately, they were mired with conservative/ irrational beliefs too. In India, we do not have a successful classical liberal political party (some tried, including Swatantra Party, Lok Satta Party, Swarna Bharat Party, etc.) but the core principles of classical liberalism (free markets, free speech, free trade, rule of law) still guides our fundamental public policy issues.

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